Sponsor: Bill to legalize, tax 'skill game' machines dead - The Associated Press - en Español
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A senior Virginia Republican lawmaker said this week that his legislation that aimed to legalize and tax a certain type of electronic betting machine that has proliferated in gas stations, bars and other locations around the state is dead, but the broader fight isn't over. "It's dead through the legislative process," House Majority Leader Terry Kilgore told The Associated Press on Wednesday in an interview. Kilgore's bill was set to be taken up Tuesday but did not get a hearing. He confirmed that he doesn't expect that measure to advance this session, saying he struggled to get other lawmakers on board while the matter of the machines is currently before a court in a pending lawsuit. The machines are also referred to as gray machines because they operate in a gray area of the law. The games look and play like slot machines, though the manufacturers say there is an element of skill involved. The issue, which does not split neatly along par...