New No More Heroes III clips highlight open world areas, DonMai Sushi, Full Armor Travis, more - Nintendo Wire

Marvelous Games continues to update its official website for No More Heroes III with more gameplay videos, and the latest series of clips are just as exciting, bizarre, and entertaining as the ones in our previous roundup.

The newest video shows Travis riding around two new areas, Perfect World and Call of Battle. The former is a clean, beautiful, picturesque city area showing the ideal image of a perfect American suburb, while the latter is a conversely dark, desolate, wartorn locale. Once again, Perfectly Nintendo has provided mirror links on YouTube for all of these videos for our convenience.

There have also been a number of other gameplay clips this month. The first demonstrates Full Armor Travis, which sees our antihero transform into an Gundam-style mech suit which allows him to fire missiles at his enemies. It appears to be activated whenever the player rolls three sevens on the combat roulette.

Speaking of roulettes, another can appear whenever Travis loses all of his health. Upon defeat, players can choose whether to return to the motel or retry. The retry option activates the Retry Roulette, which allows players to continue the battle with a buff or debuff, depending on your luck.

Travis Strikes Again fans will be pleased to see the return of DonMai Sushi, which allowed players to recover health and gain buffs. Another returning iconic feature is of course the Toilet Save, with the following video featuring some fun new dialogue from Travis advising players on the optimal time to save your game.

Finally, another recent clip shows the familiar streets of Santa Destroy, as well as an all-new area known as the Thunder Dome.

No More Heroes III will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch on August 27th, 2021, and is available to pre-order on Amazon. Earlier this month, a Collector's and Deluxe Edition of the game was announced with limited copies signed by Director Goichi "Suda51" Suda.

Written by Reece Heather

A lifelong Nintendo fan and a longtime editor at Zelda Universe, Reece will forever be grateful that he somehow dodged the Naughty List of Christmas 1998, when Santa delivered the life-changing gift of a Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Mario Kart 64. When he's not playing games, Reece is usually reading Punisher comics, delving helplessly into the weirdest depths of anime and manga, or spending time with his cocker spaniel Gracie -- the goodest girl ever!

Reece Heather

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