Thunder Valley’s new gaming stations allow people to play at own pace - San Francisco Chronicle

Thunder Valley Casino Resort, which celebrates its 15th anniversary on Saturday, June 9, introduced gaming consoles this spring that combine the control of one's own play station with the presence of a live dealer.

The 16 automated play stations, clustered around a dealer, allow people to play up to four live baccarat and blackjack hands at the same time. They are entry-level table games with bets that start at $3 for blackjack and $5 for baccarat, said Todd DeRemer, Thunder Valley's vice president of slot operations.

Also available on the consoles are video poker and non-live (automated) blackjack, baccarat and roulette.

Four of the stations are at an adjacent bar so you can play a few hands while having drinks. Players can also talk to the dealer during games and ask advice, DeRemer said, which should appeal to novices.

"A lot of players who wouldn't play in the pit and always wanted to learn now can do it," he said.

The idea is to attract younger customers who are comfortable with electronic gaming, but he said people of all ages have been using the new machines since they were introduced in late April. The stations offer a relaxed social environment, whereas typical table games are more "serious and focused," DeRemer said. One aspect of the new gaming consoles that appeals to novices is that their play doesn't affect other players' hands.

For example, say an inexperienced player is holding 17 at a blackjack table and hits, gets a 10 and busts — if the dealer were to draw next and the novice hadn't taken the 10, that card could have busted the dealer. Other players would probably be annoyed with the novice for hitting when he or she shouldn't have done so, as it may cost them a win.

That can't happen with the electronic consoles that randomly generate cards for the stations, which play directly against the dealer, DeRemer said, but "your play won't interrupt someone else's outcome."

Manufactured by Interblock, a Las Vegas-based developer of electronic table games, the dealer tables are equipped with a camera that allows players to view the live game from their station screen and from large LCD screens above.

Among the anniversary promotions on Saturday are Camaro giveaways (one car daily at 7 p.m., through June 23), free dessert truffles and commemorative Thunder Rewards cards and T-shirts.

Located about 30 miles east of Sacramento, Thunder Valley includes a 17-story hotel, several restaurants and bars, and a spa. For more information, go to

Michael Shapiro ( is author of "A Sense of Place." Twitter: @shapirowrites

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