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In terms of pure sophistication, it's hard to find a casino game that's better than roulette. The elegant spin of the wheel, the erratic bounce of the ball, and the thrilling slide of stacks of chips across the felt.

Of course, the game is a lot more fun when those chips are being slid toward you — and for that to happen, you need to master some of the best roulette strategies known to man.

Math nerds have actually studied the game for centuries, and there are a few techniques you can use to dramatically increase your odds of winning.

Below, we'll reveal some of the best we've seen and how to use them when playing at casinos like Ignition.

Ready to learn more about how to get an edge at roulette? Let's get started.

5 Best Roulette Strategies
  • Martingale Strategy
  • D'Alembert Strategy
  • Fibonacci Roulette Strategy
  • The Parlay System
  • Double Street Quad
  • Despite what many people think, roulette isn't purely a game of chance.

    While it's true that luck will ultimately decide your fate and the odds are on the house's side, the fact of the matter is that there are several strategies you can use to dramatically increase your odds of coming out a winner in any given session.

    It's important to understand that none of these are get-rich-quick strategies. The casino will still hold the advantage.

    However, if you're looking to stretch your gambling dollar as far as possible (and get an edge on all the other people crowded around the table), then these are the best ways we've found of doing just that.

    The Martingale Roulette Strategy Explained

    The Martingale Roulette Strategy Explained 

    The Martingale Strategy is perhaps the most famous betting strategy on the planet. On paper, it's foolproof, but it could also leave you vulnerable to massive losses.

    The idea is that you'll figure out a small, preset amount you want to win each session. You'll then bet enough to win that amount — and if you lose, you'll double your wager until you come out on top.

    Let's say you want to make $100 a day from the roulette wheel. To use the Martingale Strategy effectively, you'd target the bets with the highest odds of winning — think red or black, odd or even, or the 1-18 and 19-36 spaces on the board. These all give you nearly even odds of winning.

    You would then place a $100 minimum bet on your preferred wager (red, for example). If you win, great — cash out your chips and go home.

    However, if it comes up black, you'll simply double your previous wager. Now you have $200 riding on red, and the process repeats. If you win, you go home $100 richer (the $400 you won minus the $300 you wagered).

    If you lose, though, you'll have to double the bet again — this time to $400. You would continue doing this until the ball finally bounced in your favor, at which point you'd pack up and leave the casino until tomorrow.

    Advantages of Martingale Roulette Strategy

    The biggest advantage of the Martingale Strategy is that it's guaranteed to work — eventually. Red will come up sooner or later, and once it does, you'll lock in your profit (assuming you followed the strategy correctly, of course).

    Also, since you're making bets with good odds, it usually doesn't take long for you to win. You can usually lock in the profit after just a few spins of the wheel.

    The Martingale Strategy is popular with beginners and the non-math-inclined because it's one of the simplest techniques out there. If you have enough math skills to double your bet every time, then you can follow this strategy.

    Not only that, but as we'll soon see, many other strategies require you to keep a running tally of all sorts of factors. Since most casinos frown on you taking notes at the table, you'll have to do this in your head or play online.

    The Martingale Strategy is the easiest to keep track of. All you have to remember is the size of your last bet!

    Disadvantages of Martingale Roulette Strategy

    The problem with the Martingale Betting Strategy is a little thing called variance. You see, while betting red or black gives you a nearly 50/50 chance of winning, the fact of the matter is that there will eventually be a long string of losses in your future. It's an inescapable mathematical fact.

    When that happens, you'll eventually be wagering a massive amount of money to chase a small win.

    For example, let's say you're trying to win $100 by betting on red, and instead, black comes up ten times in a row.

    While this may seem far-fetched, the odds of it happening are 1 in 1376, so it's quite possible — and a near certainty if you were to try to play the Martingale Strategy every day for a living.

    In that case, by the tenth spin, you would be wagering $51,200 just to try to walk away with $100 in profit. That's a huge outlay for a small sum.

    And what happens if your bankroll runs out before you can get that $100? You'd have been wiped out in a single session, all to chase a relatively minuscule profit.

    Not only that, but every roulette table has a cap on how much you can wager, so you might not be able to get all your money back in a single spin anyway.

    The Martingale Strategy is a good way to lock in a small win if you're risk-averse, but it's best to go in with a cap on how much you'll wager on any given spin. Sometimes, it's just not your day — and you don't want to turn a bad session into a disastrous one.

    >> Try the Martingale Strategy

    The D'Alembert Roulette Strategy Explained

    The D'Alembert Roulette Strategy Explained

    While not as well-known as the Martingale, the D'Alembert Strategy is another technique that's great for beginners who want to play roulette. It's easy to use, and there's not nearly as much risk involved as with the Martingale.

    Like the Martingale, the D'Alembert involves making bets with good odds and using a progressive bet structure, but in this case, how much you bet depends on whether you won or lost the last spin.

    If you win, you'll decrease the amount you wager on the next spin or keep it the same, whereas you'd increase it if you lost. Instead of doubling the wager, though, you'll only increase or decrease by a single unit.

    Let's say you're betting $100 again. If you lose, you'll increase to $200 on the next spin, then $300 on the spin after that, and so on.

    Once you win, you'll decrease the amount you wager by one unit ($100, in this case).

    So, let's say you've lost your first three spins. On your fourth spin, you'd be betting $400. If you win at roulette, you'll still be down $200 ($100 – $200 – $300 + $400 = -$200).

    However, on the fifth spin, you'd only bet $300. Win that one, and you move down to $200; lose it, and you bump it back up to $400.

    Advantages of D'Alembert Roulette Strategy

    The D'Alembert enjoys many of the same advantages as the Martingale, but you're much less likely to be in a position where you're risking a ton of money for a small profit when you play roulette.

    In this case, if you lose 10 times in a row with your even-money bets, you'll only be wagering $1100 on the next spin, not $50,000+.

    It's just as easy to keep track of, although you do have to be paying attention to remember how much your minimum bet was on the last spin.

    This is also a better strategy for playing long online roulette sessions. While the Martingale is more of a "hit and run" technique that involves leaving once you've locked in a profit, the D'Alembert allows you to play for much longer without putting yourself at serious risk of financial ruin.

    Playing longer online roulette sessions isn't just more fun, but it's also a great way to earn VIP rewards or grind out a deposit bonus.

    Disadvantages of D'Alembert Roulette Strategy

    You won't be risking as much money with the D'Alembert roulette strategy as you would with the Martingale — but as you can see, you can still end up risking a fair amount of cash if you go on a losing streak.

    If you do end up running badly for a while, you likely won't be able to erase all those losses with a single bet like you would using the Martingale. It might take several wins in a row to dig yourself out of a hole.

    Not only that, but by increasing your minimum bet when you lose and decreasing it when you win, you'll limit how much you'll be able to profit if you go on a hot streak.

    That's the whole idea of the D'Alembert, after all — to put together a series of small wins. If you like the thrill that comes with hitting a massive score, you'll never get it with this technique (of course, you'll usually miss the feeling of dread that comes with a massive loss as well).

    Ultimately, this is one of the best roulette strategies for recreational bettors who just want to maximize their time at the table and who aren't looking to strike it rich.

    >> Try the D'Alembert Strategy

    The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy Explained

    The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy Explained 

    If you were paying attention in math class (that's ok, we weren't either), then you're probably already familiar with the Fibonacci sequence. It's a series of numbers in which the next item in the sequence is the sum of the two previous figures.

    For example, a Fibonacci sequence would look like this: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

    The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy involves using one of those sequences at the roulette table. You'll place an even-money bet and move up in the sequence every time you lose; win, and you move back two spots.

    Using our previous example, you'll start with a $100 wager. If you lose, you'll move up to $200; lose that, and you'll go to $300, then $500, and so on.

    Let's say you get all the way to $800 before you finally win. You'll actually be up $500 at this point ($100 – $200 – $300 – $500 – $800 + $1600 = -$300), and you'll move back two spots to a $300 wager. Win that one, and you go back to $100.

    Advantages of Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

    This roulette strategy is another that limits how much you'll risk at any given time while also making it easier to recoup losses in a single spin. In the previous example, we lost four spins for a total of $1900 before we won once, but we were suddenly only down $300 at that point.

    The progression isn't as steep as with the Martingale System, either. If you were to lose ten times in a row betting $100 using a Fibonacci Roulette Strategy, you'd be risking $13,600 on the 11th spin — and you'd be able to wipe out most of your losses if you won that spin.

    Like the D'Alembert, the Fibonacci Strategy is good for marathon online roulette sessions. You can play roulette for hours with only a small chance of ever putting your bankroll at risk (and we'd recommend putting a cap on how far down the sequence you go to avoid being in this position).

    Disadvantages of Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

    As with the other roulette strategies we've looked at, there's always the possibility of an extended losing streak putting you in a really bad spot.

    While unlikely, you could wipe out your entire bankroll chasing losses, and betting limits may prevent you from wagering the amount prescribed by the strategy.

    It's also much more complex than the other two strategies we've looked at so far. You have to know exactly where in the sequence you are, as well as whether you're moving up one spot or down two. That's hard to do in the heat of the moment.

    Like with the D'Alembert and the Martingale, the Fibonacci Roulette Strategy limits your wins while leaving your losses potentially uncapped. Getting back to the start of the sequence will put you even for the session — and back to betting a single unit every time.

    Not a good way to take advantage of a rush.

    >> Try the Fibonacci Strategy

    The Parlay Roulette Strategy Explained

    Now that you know about the Martingale Strategy, the Parlay Roulette Strategy may sound familiar. That's because it's basically the inverse of the Martingale.

    In the Parlay Strategy, you'll double your bet every time you win, not every time you lose. You can do this until you reach a predetermined amount, at which point you either cash out and leave or go back to betting a single unit.

    So, if you bet $100 and win, you'll bet $200 the next time, then $400, and so on. If you lose, you obviously start back at $100.

    Most experts recommend setting a limit of four or five units before you reset, as this allows you to stack up some nice wins without constantly pushing your luck.

    Advantages of Parlay Roulette Strategy

    As should be immediately clear, the biggest advantage of this online roulette strategy is that your wins are potentially uncapped, not your losses. It's one of the few roulette strategies that allows you to walk away from the table a big winner.

    You won't ever be risking more than the minimum on a losing streak, so you're not going to find yourself in a massive hole like you potentially could with the previous strategies. While you can still walk away from the table as a loser, it's unlikely that you'll wipe out your entire bankroll with this system.

    This is also the first system we've seen that can fully capitalize on a winning streak. If you can string together a few wins in a row, you'll have yourself a tidy little profit — a boast the other roulette strategies can't match.

    It's an easy-to-follow system, though, and one that's actually quite fun. You're not going to be sweating the possibility of an overwhelming losing streak, which leaves you free to enjoy the wins as they (hopefully) pile up.

    As with any betting system, it's not a foolproof way to make money, and the house will still win in the long run. At least with this system, though, you won't ever walk out of the casino penniless, and there will be a few days when you're a big winner with a great story to tell.

    Disadvantages of Parlay Roulette Strategy

    As anyone who's ever played roulette can tell you, it's hard to string together a few wins in a row. It's also disheartening to see a potential profit get wiped out in a single unlucky bounce.

    So, while you're unlikely to walk away broke using this strategy, there's a good chance you will walk away disappointed.

    The other big disadvantage with this strategy is you might not realize how much you're losing. With a traditional Martingale, you'll always know how much you have at risk (and you may be sweating bullets at the thought).

    Here, though, you're only betting one unit at a time — and those losses may not seem consequential at the moment, but you may find yourself down a healthy amount of cash when you leave the cage.

    >> Try the Parlay Strategy

    Double Street Quad Roulette Strategy Explained

    Double Street Quad Roulette Strategy Explained 

    The Double Street Quad Roulette Strategy is the only one on this list that doesn't involve playing even-money bets like red/black, odd/even, and the like. It's a much more complex technique that will have you placing several different bets on each spin.

    In a Double Street Quad system, you'll be placing two units on double street bets (each "street" is one of the rows with three numbers in it). You'll also be making one corner bet (this is where you bet on four numbers simultaneously) and one straight-up bet.

    This allows you to cover 17 different numbers, or just shy of half the board.

    Each number on your double street bets will pay out 5:1, while the corner bet pays out 8:1, and the straight-up bet will net you a 35:1 payout.

    The idea here is that you'll hit enough double street and corner bets to keep you even and set you up for that straight-up bet, which is where the real profit lies.

    Advantages of Double Street Quad Roulette Strategy

    Besides just sounding cool, the Double Street Quad Strategy gives you nearly a 50/50 chance of winning. The house will still have an edge, of course, but it's small.

    This strategy limits your outlay as well, as the most you'll wager on a single spin is six units. There will be times when you lose multiple spins in a row, but since the amount you risk never increases, you won't be at risk of ruin.

    Anytime you hit, though, you should get a pretty healthy return — and if you hit that straight-up bet, you'll get a huge payout indeed.

    This is a great strategy for people who don't want to risk a ton of money on each spin when they play roulette but who still want to experience the thrill of the occasional big payday.

    It also makes you look like a genius who knows some super-secret betting strategy, which won't help your bottom line but is still a nice touch.

    Disadvantages of Double Street Quad Roulette Strategy

    This roulette strategy is a bit complex at first, as you'll have to learn what each of the bets are and remember to make them every time. Once you get the hang of it, though, it's quite simple.

    Also, while you're not wagering a ton on any given spin, six units every time can add up quickly.

    Remember, the double street bets — which are the ones most likely to hit — only pay out 5:1, so even if you win one of those, you'll lose a unit on the spin. It's only the corner and straight-up bets that will turn a profit.

    For this reason, it's generally recommended that anyone employing this strategy have a very healthy bankroll.

    Like with the Parlay Strategy, this system can mask how much you're actually losing. After all, if you win a 5:1 bet, you'll get a lot of chips pushed your way, and you may not realize that you actually lost money on the deal.

    If you're not careful, you could lose a lot of money a little bit at a time with this roulette strategy.

    >> Try the Double Street Quad Strategy

    Other strategies that are popular among players but not covered in this article are the James Bond Strategy and the Constant Bet Strategy.

    Other Tips and Tricks for Winning at Roulette

    While the above systems represent the best roulette strategies we know for winning at roulette, there are some simple things you can do at the table that could potentially boost your bottom line just as much.

    You can use these on their own or as part of one of the roulette strategies above. Best of all, they're easy to implement — and also quite a bit of fun.

    Stay Within Your Bankroll

    This is potentially the best gambling advice you'll ever receive. Before you ever set foot in a casino (even an online roulette site), decide how much you're willing to lose and stick to it.

    It can be tempting to chase losses, especially if you feel that your luck is just about to turn. However, the house will always have the edge, and the longer you play roulette, the worse you're likely to do.

    Pick a number that you're comfortable losing and walk away when you hit that point. If you want to play roulette longer, consider dropping down in limits — many places let you play for as little as a dollar a spin.

    Consider Playing European Roulette

    Most inexperienced gamblers don't realize that the house's edge comes from that pesky little green zero on the wheel. That's what keeps betting on red or black from being a 50/50 proposition, giving the house just enough of an advantage to keep the lights on.

    In the American roulette game, there are actually two zeros on the board — a single zero and a double zero. As a matter of fact, most Vegas casinos are moving towards a triple zero board to give themselves even more of an edge — an edge that comes at your expense.

    On a European roulette table, though, there's only a single zero. This cuts the house edge in half from the American roulette system, which means you'll be able to stay in the game longer.

    Try Different Online Roulette Sites

    Not every casino is the same, and you shouldn't just pick one and stick with it. Try out a few to see which one you like best.

    We're not suggesting that your luck will be better at one casino than another, but there are plenty of other factors that can affect your bottom line when playing roulette.

    Game selection is one; if a casino only has American roulette, for example, you'll be at a disadvantage compared to an online roulette site that has European roulette options.

    Other things to think about are the bonus offers, VIP programs, and customer support you'll receive at each site. Or it may simply come down to the fact that you just like one place better than another, even if you don't have a good reason for it.

    Remember, this is supposed to be fun, so if you don't like a certain casino — leave.

    Use Deposit Bonuses to Your Advantage

    While you're shopping around for different online casinos, you can take advantage of the various deposit bonuses each one offers. These are rewards (usually in the form of a deposit match) that they offer to lure players to their site.

    If used wisely, they can go a long way toward boosting your bottom line. That extra money can be extremely helpful if you're trying to survive the swings that come with a Martingale Strategy, for example, or they can help you push the limits of a Parlay Strategy.

    Ultimately, it's bonus money that's just there for the taking — no sense leaving it on the table.

    >> Play Roulette Here

    Best Sites to Test Your Roulette Strategy
  • Ignition: Best roulette site overall
  • Super Slots: 30 roulette tables to choose from
  • Black Lotus: Roulette counts 50% towards deposit bonus
  • Slots.Lv: Lowest house edge
  • Wild Casino: Big-money daily tournaments
  • 1. Ignition — Best Roulette Site Overall

    Ignition Best Roulette Site Overall 


  • 5 different live dealer roulette games
  • Betting limits up to $3,000
  • Quick Spin feature lets you maximize playing time
  • Racetrack option for easy call bets
  • 300% deposit match up to $3,000
  • Cons

  • Graphics are a little dated
  • Doesn't accept e-wallets
  • If you're ready to put one of our roulette strategies to the test, the best place to start is Ignition. It's a fantastic all-in-one casino, as it also boasts a poker room, three-card poker games, and a virtual sportsbook, but the roulette action here is what truly sets it apart.

    You'll find both American and European options here, and while there are only two choices in the casino table games section, that's really all you need.

    Here, the limits range from $1-500, and you can take advantage of the quick spin feature to cram as much action into a session as possible.

    Purists will also appreciate the ability to toggle the racetrack on or off, allowing you to make call bets if you prefer, while novices can make use of the helpful instructions on the sidebar.

    If you head over to the live casino section, you'll find five more roulette game options — some with live croupiers and some with an auto roulette function. This lets you choose between speeding up play or having a little human interaction while you gamble.

    High rollers will want to stick to the live casino, as you can gamble as much as $3,000 a spin over there.  

    New players can get a 300% deposit match up to $3,000, although half of that is allocated for use at the poker room. You'll only get the full amount if you use one of their five cryptocurrency deposit options; FIAT users will have to settle for a 200% match up to $2,000.

    >> Claim a 300% bonus and play roulette at Ignition

    Want to learn more about this casino? Check our Ignition review.

    2. Super Slots — Best Variety of Roulette Games

    Super Slots Best Variety of Roulette Games


  • Over 30 roulette tables to choose from
  • Double-ball variations available
  • Wide range of betting limits
  • 16 crypto deposit options
  • Welcome bonus up to $6,000
  • Cons

  • Live dealer ambiance is a bit lacking
  • No ewallet deposit choices
  • If you consider variety to be the spice of life, then you'll feel right at home at Super Slots. They have a whopping 30+ roulette tables to experience, with a pretty even mix between live and regular options.

    Now, there are only so many ways you can change a roulette table, so many of those online roulette games will be quite similar. Still, there are several fun variations, like double ball roulette, dragon roulette, and platinum chip roulette.

    If you want to bet big money when playing roulette, the limits in the live casino go all the way up to $12,500 — but there are also tables that accept 50-cent bets, so everyone can find action that suits their budget here.

    That being said, having all that money on the table seems a bit out of place in the live casino, as the setting is a bit drab. You certainly won't feel like you're in Vegas or Monte Carlo — maybe in a back room at the Holiday Inn?

    Bitcoin enthusiasts will love it here, as the site accepts 16 different cryptocurrencies (but no e-wallets). The welcome bonus is substantial as well, as you can get up to $6,000 and 100 free spins — but all that cash is divided up over your first six deposits, so don't expect it all at once.

    >> Claim up to $6,000 in deposit bonuses at Super Slots

    3. Black Lotus — Best for European Roulette

    Black Lotus Best for European Roulette 


  • Specializes in player-friendly European tables
  • Deposit bonus up to $7,000
  • Roulette counts 50% towards bonus
  • Offers prizes like cars and Amazon vouchers
  • Cons

  • Only one American roulette table
  • Can't check out live tables without making a deposit
  • Black Lotus isn't afraid to tip the odds in the player's favor a bit, which is why they offer more European roulette tables than American roulette, which is typically more common.

    Most real money online casinos prefer American roulette, because not all variations of roulette are created equal. The European version is actually the most player-friendly, as it has a single green zero on the wheel, which effectively cuts the house's edge in half.

    That means your money will go farther here than many other real money online roulette sites, although it may take some getting used to if you've spent years playing the American version.

    Another way in which Black Lotus caters to roulette enthusiasts is in its bonus structure. The basic deposit bonus is exceptional in and of itself (up to $7,000), but what really sets this casino apart is the fact that playing roulette goes a long way toward earning that bonus.

    To earn a bonus, you have to satisfy a wagering requirement, and many sites cap roulette's contributions to that requirement at 5% or lower. Here, the contribution is a whopping 50%, which is on par with other casino games, so you can earn that bonus cash in no time.

    Not only that but if you play long enough, you might amass enough player points to earn an Amazon voucher or even snag a few raffle tickets for their car giveaway.

    >> Claim up to a $7,000 bonus (Black Lotus)

    4. Slots.Lv — Best Site to Play French Roulette Slots.Lv Best Site to Play French Roulette 


  • Offers French roulette
  • Low $10 withdrawal minimum
  • Odds clearly spelled out on game interface
  • Lots of helpful info for beginners
  • Cons

  • Live dealer video can be a bit choppy
  • Can only cash out a few times per week
  • If European roulette is more player-friendly than American, then French roulette is like European roulette on steroids. It's the most player-friendly version by far — the house edge can be as little as 1.35% — and Slots.Lv is one of the few places you'll find it on the internet.

    That makes this a great site for beginners or anyone looking to play for fun without taking massive risks. Newbies will also appreciate all the helpful info on the site, including some playing tips and strategies.

    There aren't a ton of different tables here, but you're covered no matter what game you like. In addition to American, European, and French roulette in their basic casino, they also have three different types available in their live room.

    However, you'll need a good internet connection if you want to play live, as the video can be a bit choppy. It's not enough to affect your gameplay at all, but it can be a little annoying.

    First-time players who deposit with one of their five accepted cryptocurrencies can get up to $7,500 in bonuses at Slots.Lv, but you'll have to earn it over nine different deposits. FIAT users can cash in a $5,000 bonus, but again, it will take nine deposits to do so.

    >> Claim up to $7,500 in bonuses (Slots.Lv)

    5. Wild Casino — Best Roulette Tournaments Wild Casino Best Roulette Tournaments


  • Daily roulette tourneys with big cash prizes
  • Eight auto roulette tables in live casino
  • Takes bets as low as 50 cents
  • 250% match on first deposit
  • Cons

  • Bonus expires after 30 days
  • Payouts only processed on weekdays
  • If you want to test your roulette strategies against other players, Wild Casino runs daily roulette tournaments in which the big winner can win even more. Cash prizes in these tourneys can be in the thousands of dollars, so getting lucky can really pay off here.

    It's a great site for low-stakes grinders in general, as the live casino section has tables with limits as low as 50 cents. You don't need deep pockets to play here (although high rollers are certainly taken care of as well).

    You can get a 250% match on your first deposit using code WILD250, and the total welcome bonus can reach $5,000 — but it takes five deposits to get there. Each transaction after the first will be a 100% match, and the bonuses expire after a month, so claim them quickly.

    >> Claim up to $5,000 in bonus funds (Wild Casino)

    Guide to Using Roulette Strategies: FAQs What is the Most Successful Roulette Strategy?

    There is no roulette strategy that is guaranteed to be successful, and most of them are designed to slow down the speed at which the house wins. That being said, we like the Parlay Strategy, as it doesn't expose you to a ton of risk and can occasionally lead to big wins.

    What is the Smartest Bet in Roulette?

    In terms of having the best odds, the smartest bet is one of the so-called "even money" bets. These are red or black, odd or even, and 1-18 or 19-36. Each has nearly a 50% chance of winning and comes with a 1:1 payout.

    Is It Better to Bet Big or Small in Roulette?

    Betting big or small won't affect your odds of winning, which will remain the same no matter what. However, since the house has an edge on every single bet, it's generally smarter to make one big bet each spin than a bunch of smaller ones.

    Is It Legal to Use a Roulette Strategy?

    Yes, using a successful roulette strategy is perfectly legal and (probably) won't even get you kicked out of a casino like counting cards in blackjack.

    The reason for this is simple: even when you're using a roulette betting strategy, the house has an edge, so they're happy to let you keep playing.

    What's the Best Site to Play Roulette for Real Money?

    Our favorite online casino to play roulette games online is Ignition. It offers an excellent experience for both live and virtual roulette, and the bonus offers there are second to none.

    Check out these guides if you're interested in other table games:

    Which Roulette Strategy Are You Going to Try First?

    If you're ready to try your luck at the wheel of fortune, then consider giving one of the above roulette strategies a try. While we can't guarantee they'll make you a winner, they should allow you to stretch your gambling dollar and spend more time having fun at the tables.

    Once you're ready to play roulette for real money, we'd recommend checking out Ignition Casino. It has top-notch roulette action and a generous welcome bonus, as well as one of the best reputations in the industry.

    Regardless of where you play, be sure to gamble responsibly. After all, the best roulette strategy in the world is one that involves making sure that you're never in over your head.


    Gambling can be addictive. If you have a gambling problem or somebody you know does, then we strongly advise calling the National Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700 to talk with a certified advisor. All gambling sites are 21+ only.

    Some of the sites listed on our site may not be available in your region. Check your local laws to ensure online gambling is available and legal where you live.

    Please, visit these organizations for free gambling addiction resources:

    Article paid for by: PlayTogga, partners@playtogga.ComThe news and editorial staff of the Bay Area News Group had no role in this post's preparation.

    How To Make Money From Online Roulette Casinos: Strategies And Tips

    The allure of making money from the comfort of your home through online casinos has drawn many individuals into the world of virtual gambling. Among the myriad of casino games available, roulette stands out as one of the most popular choices for gamblers worldwide. The idea of beating the odds and winning big at the roulette wheel has fascinated players for generations. However, it's important to note that while roulette can be an exciting and potentially profitable game, it's also a game of chance where the house always has an edge. In this article, we'll explore various strategies for making money from online roulette casinos and emphasize the importance of choosing reputable platforms.

    Understanding Roulette

    Before delving into strategies, let's first understand the basics of roulette. Roulette is a classic casino game with a wheel containing numbered pockets, typically ranging from 0 to 36 in European Roulette and 00 to 36 in American Roulette. The objective is to predict where the ball will land after the wheel is spun. Players can place bets on individual numbers, groups of numbers, colors (red or black), odd or even numbers, or various other combinations.

    The allure of roulette lies in the potential for significant payouts, with bets offering varying degrees of risk and reward. However, it's essential to remember that roulette outcomes are primarily determined by chance, thanks to the random nature of the ball's landing position.

    Popular Roulette Betting Systems

    While there's no foolproof strategy to consistently win at roulette, some popular betting systems have emerged over the years, each with its own approach to managing bets and capitalizing on streaks. These systems can be entertaining to try, but they come with no guarantees of success. Here are a few well-known roulette betting strategies:

  • Martingale System: The Martingale system is one of the oldest and simplest strategies. It involves doubling your bet after each loss, with the aim of recovering previous losses and making a profit. While it can work in the short term, it can be risky in the long run, as consecutive losses can lead to substantial bets.
  • Labouchere System: This system is based on a series of numbers that the player sets before starting. The idea is to cross off numbers from the list as bets are won, ultimately aiming to clear all numbers for a profit. It's a bit more complex than the Martingale system and offers some degree of control over betting.
  • Fibonacci System: The Fibonacci sequence is used in this strategy, where each bet is the sum of the previous two bets. The goal is to win back losses and make a profit by following the sequence. It's considered less aggressive than the Martingale system but still carries risks.
  • D'Alembert System: This system is based on the idea that after a loss, you should increase your bet by one unit, and after a win, decrease it by one unit. It's seen as a more conservative approach to managing bets.
  • The James Bond Strategy: Named after the famous spy, this strategy involves placing bets on high numbers (19-36), the middle range (13-18), and a straight bet on 0. This strategy provides good coverage of the roulette table, but it doesn't guarantee consistent wins.
  • It's important to remember that while these betting systems can be fun to experiment with, they don't change the fundamental odds of the game. The outcome of each spin remains largely random.

    Choosing a Reputable Online Casino

    Before diving into roulette strategies, it's crucial to select a legitimate and trustworthy online casino. With the proliferation of online gambling sites, there are both reputable and unscrupulous operators in the market. To ensure a fair and secure gaming experience, consider the following factors when choosing an online casino:

  • Licensing and Regulation: Look for casinos that are licensed and regulated by respected authorities such as the UK Gambling Commission, Malta Gaming Authority, or the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority. These licenses indicate that the casino operates under strict guidelines and undergoes regular audits.
  • Security Measures: Ensure that the casino uses encryption technology to protect your personal and financial information. Look for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, which are a standard security measure for online transactions.
  • Game Variety: Choose a casino that offers a wide variety of roulette games, including European, American, and French roulette. A diverse game selection provides more options for players.
  • Payment Options: Verify that the casino supports secure and convenient payment methods. Popular options include credit/debit cards, e-wallets like PayPal and Skrill, and bank transfers. Make sure the casino offers your preferred payment method.
  • Customer Support: A reliable casino should have responsive customer support available through various channels, such as live chat, email, and phone. Test their customer support responsiveness before depositing funds.
  • User Reviews and Reputation: Read online reviews and check the casino's reputation on gambling forums and review websites. User feedback can provide valuable insights into the casino's reliability and fairness.
  • Fairness and Testing: Reputable casinos use Random Number Generators (RNGs) to ensure fair and random outcomes. Look for casinos that are audited by independent testing agencies like eCOGRA or iTech Labs.
  • Withdrawal Policies: Pay attention to the casino's withdrawal policies, including processing times and any associated fees. Transparent and fair withdrawal practices are indicative of a trustworthy casino.
  • It's worth noting that many online casinos offer enticing bonuses and promotions to attract players. While these can provide added value, always read the terms and conditions carefully to understand the wagering requirements and other conditions attached to these offers. If you don't want to test casinos by yourself, you can check a list of safe and tested online casinos on Wikihow. This can be a helpful resource to ensure you're choosing reputable platforms for your online roulette gaming experience. Remember that playing at trusted casinos is a crucial step in enjoying a fair and secure gaming environment.

    Roulette Strategies and Tips

    Now that you've chosen a reputable online casino, let's explore some roulette strategies and tips that can enhance your gaming experience. Keep in mind that these strategies are not foolproof, and there is no guaranteed way to beat the house edge. However, they can help you manage your bets and potentially prolong your gameplay.

  • Bankroll Management: Set a budget for your roulette gaming session and stick to it. Never wager more than you can afford to lose. Roulette can be addictive, so it's essential to exercise discipline.
  • Choose European Roulette: Whenever possible, opt for European roulette over American roulette. The European version has a single zero (0), while the American version has both a single zero (0) and a double zero (00). This reduces the house edge in European roulette, making it a more favorable option for players.
  • Practice in Demo Mode: Most online casinos offer free demo versions of roulette games. Use these to practice your strategies and get a feel for the game without risking real money.
  • Set Win and Loss Limits: Determine a target for winnings and a limit for losses. If you reach either limit, stop playing. This helps you lock in profits and prevent chasing losses.
  • Use Betting Systems with Caution: While betting systems like the Martingale can be fun to try, remember that they do not guarantee long-term success. Set limits on how much you're willing to bet with these systems to avoid significant losses.
  • Combine Bets: Experiment with different types of bets to create a balanced strategy. Combining inside bets (single numbers) with outside bets (red/black, odd/even) can diversify your gameplay.
  • Observe the Table: Before placing bets, observe the roulette table for a few spins to look for patterns or biases. While true bias is rare, it doesn't hurt to be observant.
  • Avoid 'Gambler's Fallacy': Each spin of the roulette wheel is independent and not influenced by previous spins. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that if a particular number or color hasn't appeared in a while, it's due to come up.
  • Quit While You're Ahead: If you're on a winning streak and have reached your desired profit, consider cashing out and celebrating your success. It's tempting to keep playing, but remember that luck can change quickly.
  • Enjoy the Game: Roulette is primarily a form of entertainment. Approach it with the mindset of having fun rather than solely focusing on making money. If you find yourself stressed or frustrated, take a break.
  • Conclusion

    Online roulette casinos offer an exciting opportunity to try your luck and potentially make money from the comfort of your own home. While there are various strategies and tips that can enhance your chances of success, it's crucial to approach roulette with the understanding that it's primarily a game of chance. There is no guaranteed way to beat the house edge, and the outcome of each spin is random.

    To ensure a safe and fair gaming experience, it's essential to choose reputable online casinos that are licensed and regulated. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can minimize risks and enjoy the thrill of online roulette responsibly. Remember to set realistic expectations, practice responsible bankroll management, and most importantly, have fun while playing the game.

    Please note that online gambling should be done responsibly, and if you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, seek help from appropriate resources and organizations dedicated to responsible gaming.

    Ultimate Roulette Strategy Guide For UK Players In 2023

    IF you're into online casinos, you probably enjoy playing roulette. The thrill of watching the ball go around the wheel and landing on your chosen pocket is unmatched.

    Roulette is also one of the most diverse casino games, as it features dozens of variants with different bets and game mechanics.

    But getting started with online roulette can be tricky if you don't know what to look for. Luckily, we've compiled a roulette guide that will introduce you to the most important aspects of this game, including the best variants, the different bets you can make, and the top strategies to use. We'll also provide several tips on how to improve your bets.

    What is roulette?

    Roulette has a long-spanning history that goes all the


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